Many hosting providers may try to sway you with talk of the very high bandwidth levels they allow you and the massive amount of disk space but don't base your decision solely on this factor. The truth is over 90% of sites on Shared Web Hosting never get anywhere near there bandwidth levels, with a large number using less than a tenth their limit.

Type host operating system: If your website is based on technologies such as JSP, ASP, etc, and require others, to complement or Microsoft MSACCESS MS SQL database that should go for windows hosting. On the other hand, if the user is using technologies like cold fusion, then you can run on Linux and Windows platform.
Just because you have used Affordable Web Hosting doesn't mean it has to be poor quality hosting. There are lots of very good quality hosts available at very affordable prices. Also be aware of what comes as standard with your hosting and what comes as paid extras. Check that your potential host uses a popular control panel such as Cpanel. Some hosts use free panels and although they work fine, if the time comes when you have to move your website to a new host, control panels like Cpanel make the process a lot easier.
It does not matter how much money you save from an affordable website hosting it will never save how much money you will lose if your website collide due to less performing servers. It is consistently best when hosting company offers 99.95% up time guarantee. less performing servers can make a big problem to load your website very slowly. If your website load slowly then you will never get large number of visitors. In that case you will loose possible customer of your business just because you trying to save few money on hosting plan. It is not suitable for your business.
As a business owner, of course you'll want a name that you think sounds good, is easy to remember and spell, and that is appropriate for the type of work that you do. This is a step you'll decide on either before you hire a UK web hosting company, or while you're in the process of discussing your needs with them. But even though you'll be quite busy, make sure you take the time to choose your domain name correctly: make sure your domain name will help your Shared Web Hosting UK be not only user-friendly, but search engine-friendly as well.
Some examples of domain names are "" and "". First one is .com extension and second is United Kingdom extension domain name.
Now this is just a brief overview of the basics to get started and i appreciate that there are other steps and tips to also consider that i used when i started building my own website. Hopefully this will help you to take that first step.